by Brian Gillett for pno vc voice electronics 00:09:00 1997
Behind The Refrigerator Door
by Brian Gillett for vln tape 00:08:00 1995
by Herbert A. Deutsch for A tp 00:06:00 1990
FANTASY VARIATIONS (motherless child)
by Herbert A. Deutsch for al and sp Sx tp 00:07:00 1988
by Herbert A. Deutsch for fl tp 00:10:20 1995
JAZZ IMAGES worksong & blues
by Herbert A. Deutsch for pno tpt tp 00:08:15 1964
by Herbert A. Deutsch for shofar rainstick mbira tp 00:08:30 1995
Lute Concerto
by Steven Rosenhaus for 7-course lu, fl, ob, bn, 3 vln I, 3 vln II, 3 vla, 2 vc, 1 db 00:12:00 1997
Violin Concerto
by Steven Rosenhaus for vln and chamber orchestra 00:18:00 1994
Concerto for French Horn and String Orchestra
by Dana Richardson for hn str 00:15:00 2006
Piano Concerto for the Left Hand
by Dana Richardson for pno orch 00:20:00 2001
A Lily for St. Anthony
by Jay Anthony Gach for solo violin & chamber orch. 00:11:00 2003
Piano Concerto No 2
by Murray Cohen for piano & Orchestra 00:29:00 1991
Concerto for Trumpet/Flugelhorn and Orchestra
by Richard Brooks for 2-2-2-2 4-2-2-0 timp 2 per, str 00:25:00 2005
Concerto for Flute and Orchestra
by Richard Brooks for flute orch 00:25:00 1999
by Richard Brooks for clar and orch 00:12:00 1995
Song and Dance
by Richard Brooks for piano and orch 00:12:00 1993
Concerto da camera No. 1
by Allen Brings for pno chamber orchestra 00:10:00 1975
by Allen Brings for ob str 00:10:30 2008
Concerto da camera No. 5
by Allen Brings for pno sym wind ens 00:09:00 2000
Concerto da camera No. 4
by Allen Brings for hpd str 00:12:00 1994
Concerto da camera No. 3
by Allen Brings for fl str 00:10:00 1974
Concerto da camera No. 2
by Allen Brings for vln perc 00:10:00 1974
Off To The Moon (children’s musical)
by Herbert Rothgarber for svs pno 00:30:00 1960
Help Us (operetta for young voices)
by Herbert Rothgarber for svs pno 00:40:00 1975
The Secret of Singing Mountain (opera for young voices)
by Herbert Rothgarber for svs pno 02:00:00 1996
Nancy Hanks (Benet)
by Herbert Rothgarber for svs recs percs pno 00:05:00 1995
Alec In T.V. Land (children’s musical)
by Herbert Rothgarber for svs recs pno 00:40:00 1974
Headlines (children’s musical)
by Herbert Rothgarber for svs recs percs piano 00:40:00 1970
The Trial of Pinocchio (operetta for young voices)
by Herbert Rothgarber for svs recs percs piano 00:40:00 1972
I Can Fly (cantata for young voices)
by Herbert Rothgarber for svs recs percs pno 00:20:00 1983
Celebration (Cantata for young voices)
by Herbert Rothgarber for svs recs percs 00:20:00 1973
The Magic Yo-Yo (opera for young voices)
by Herbert Rothgarber for svs 01:20:00 1962
Awakening (The Furies; I Saw a Light, I Heard a sound; Come,There’s a Place for You and me.
by Herbert Rothgarber for SATB Choir 00:12:00 1979
by Frank Retzel for chor org 00:08:00 1981
by Frank Retzel for S Bar chor ch orch 00:25:00 1983
Break Forth: A Motet for Christmas
by Frank Retzel for chor org 00:06:00 1984
Spare Us, O Lord
by Frank Retzel for chor org 00:07:00 1985
Acclaim With Joy
by Frank Retzel for chor 00:10:00 1990
The Things That You Love
by Jane Leslie for SATB and Piano 00:04:00 2006
Gentle Peace
by Jane Leslie for SATB and Piano 00:04:00 2007
A Special Place (School Song)
by Jane Leslie for Two-part children’s chorus (S A) & Piano 00:04:00 2006
Darest Thou Now O Soul ‘(Walt Whitman)
Martin Halpern for Chorus (SATB) and Piano 00:06:00 2006
Psalms of Peace
by Martin Halpern for SATB pno 00:07:00 2001
A Benediction & Two Meditations
by Jay Anthony Gach for satb, hn., chimes, org. 00:08:00 2005
Veni Creator Spiritus
by Jay Anthony Gach for satb + baroque trumpet (high) 00:04:00 2003
Blessed Mary (from 3 Christmas Carols)
by Jay Anthony Gach for satb + alto recorder 00:02:00 2004
Reach for the Sky
by Laurence Dresner for Choir 00:04:10 0000
by Herbert A. Deutsch for theremin chor SSA 00:04:15 2005
As Adam early in the morning
by Richard Brooks for SATB or TTBB piano 00:04:00 1986