by Allen Brings for S pno 00:02:00 1954
Articles Tagged with 0-5min
by Julie Mandel for S ob/fl pno 00:02:21 2002
Three Red Roses
by Patricia W. King for hp and S 00:04:20 2004
Buchenwald, Near Weimar
by Patricia W. King for S B pno cello 00:04:00 1984
Dirge in Woods
by Allen Brings for S vln 00:02:43 2006
Under the Greenwood Tree
by Allen Brings for S vln 00:02:02 2006
In Paradisum (May Angels Lead You)
by Allen Brings for S org 00:01:00 1957
by Allen Brings for S cl vc 00:03:00 1956
A Cradle Song
by Allen Brings for S orch 00:02:00 1954
Never Seek To Tell Thy Love
by Allen Brings for S orch 00:02:00 1954
by Matthew Baier for Sop. 2 Fl. & 2 Gtr. (Japanese Buddhist Text) 00:03:48 2003
by Matthew Baier for Sop. Fl. Gtr. Vln. Bb Clnt. 00:03:32 1999
Allen Brings for chor wind ensemble 00:02:00 1971
by Allen Brings for chor pno 00:02:00 1971
In Paradisum (May Angels Lead You)
by Allen Brings for chor org 00:01:00 1957
The Man He Killed
by Serge Suny for ‘ch’ ‘chor’ 00:01:30 1984
Two Chamber Songs – “Oh, How I Yearn” & “What Makes tjhe World Go Round”
by Serge Suny for ‘ch’ ‘chor’ 00:03:00 1993
Halleluya 11
by Serge Suny for ‘ch’ ‘chor’ 00:02:00 2003
Halleluya 1 –
by Serge Suny for ‘ch’ ‘chor’ 00:01:45 2003
Psalm 23 “The Lord is My Shepherd)
by Serge Suny for pno 00:03:00 2001
HaNitzanim, (Hebrew text – Song of Songs 2:12) A Capella
by Avraham Sternklar for chor 00:03:30 1957
Off to the Thousand Islands, (Jud Newborn) (A Capella)
by Avraham Sternklar for chor 00:03:00 1990
Your God Shall be Your Glory
by Patricia W. King for SATB pno 00:03:30 1980
O Sing Unto the Lord
by Patricia W. King for SATB pno 00:03:45 1980
Come, Eat of My Bread
by Patricia W. King for SATB pno 00:04:45 1985
by Paul Hefner for SATB w/ Str. Bs. 00:02:00 2008
Give Me the Simple Life
by Paul Hefner for SATB w/ Str. Bs. 00:03:15 2008
by Paul Hefner for SATB arr. w/ divisis and w/or w/out rhy. section 00:02:00 1983
Donna Belta
by Paul Hefner for SATB 00:02:30 1980
The Water is Wide (arr.)
by Jay Anthony Gach for satb & pno 00:03:00 2004
Faith, Hope & Love
by Jay Anthony Gach for satb & organ 00:03:00 2004
Benediction & Meditation
by Jay Anthony Gach for satb + organ 00:04:00 2002
Bring Us, O Lord
by Allen Brings for chor 00:01:00 1997
O God Whose Voice
by Allen Brings for chor 00:01:00 1991
The Maid of Ascolat
by Allen Brings for chor 00:01:00 1990
The Lord’s Prayer
by Allen Brings for chor 00:01:00 1987
In Paradisum (May Angels Lead You)
by Allen Brings for chor 00:01:00 1957
Cor Jesu Trinitatis (O Sacred Heart of Jesus)
by Allen Brings for chor 00:02:00 1954
Missa Brevis
by Allen Brings for chor 00:04:00 1954
Alba II
by Allen Brings for S S A A 00:01:00 1975
Is it Magic?
by Jane Leslie for Piano Trio 00:04:00 2008
The Open Road
by Jane Leslie for Violin, Cello, Piano 00:04:00 2002
by Jane Leslie for Violin, Cello, Piano 00:04:00 2000
Trio for William S
by Patricia W. King for vln vla pno 00:02:20 2004
Canterello ed Obbligato
by Jay Anthony Gach for clar,vln,vlc,pno 00:04:00 1999
Brief Encounters – Piano pieces for children
by Serge Suny for pno 00:04:30 1994
Innocence (for Alex)
by Serge Suny for pno 00:02:25 2004
Slow Dance
by Serge Suny for pno 00:01:10 2001
Reflections (for Bobby S.)
by Serge Suny for pno 00:01:30 2001
Rondo (for David)
by Serge Suny for pno 00:02:03 2001