Articles Tagged with Bernard Malamud

Rabbi & the Rich Man, The, op. 116

aka “The Parable of the Mirror,”

setting for voice & piano of text based on Hassidic legend,

used by S. Ansky in The Dybbuk

and by Bernard Malamud in Suppose A Wedding;

incorporated into one-act opera based on Malamud, op. 125.

Premiered 3/2/95 as part of A Blitzstein Cabaret,

Medicine Show, NYC; also at NOA Boston convention

symposium on Blitzstein’s Sacco and Vanzetti, 12/2/95

Suppose A Wedding, op. 125

one-act opera (53′) after Scene from a Play

by Bernard Malamud, 4/96

concert premiere 9/2/96 IJAFLI, Suffolk Y, Commack

co-sponsored by LICA, Puffin Foundation,

East End Arts Council-NYFA SOS Grant;

staged premiere 6/1/97 LICA concert at

Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Manhattan

for soprano, mezzo, character tenor, high baritone,

male one-liner, piano/orch; publisher: Theodore Presser

as part of trilogy, Tales of Malamud

intermezzo between Idiots First, op. 37 & Karla, op. 38

or independent work; includes Leon’s Arietta (2’30”)

and “The Rabbi and the Rich Man,” op. 116 (q.v.)

Cast: Ronald Edwards, Lenora Eve/Lucy Sorlucco,

Benjamin Spierman, Janis Sabatino Hills, Joel Ackerman;

directed & conducted from the piano by the composer

videotaped by Helene Williams – soon to be on YouTube