Since 1973, this annual celebration of young composers and performers has become one of LICA’s most popular events. We are proud that “Music By and For Students” has become the model for State-Wide NYSSMA student composition programs. This concert features Student Composers who perform their original compositions and Student Performers who perform compositions by LICA composers. The student musicians are Elementary School Age through High School Age.
Support for Young Musicians
In 1973, the first Music By and For Students concert was held. This annual event features performances and compositions of young people. Emphasis is on encouraging young composers and in recent years the alliance has presented awards in the form of U.S. Government Savings Bonds for outstanding works.
Arline Diamond Memorial Awards are presented to the students at this concert and are dedicated to the memory of Arline Diamond, a LICA member whose career was devoted to teaching and encouraging young people. LICA is proud to say that this concert has become a model for student composition competitions held annually by the NY State School Music Association.
All of the composers and performers at “Music By and For Students” 2018 at Hofstra University, Sunday June 10, 2018Herbert A. Deutsch, LICA President with the three student winners of the 2017 Arline Diamond Memorial Student Composer™ Award: Nellie Nicolova, age 11, Peter Giulio Mainetti, age 15 and David Jung, age 17. The awards were presented on June 16 at the Long Island Composers Alliance 46th Anniversary Concert at the South Huntington Public Library.Student performers and student composers at the 45th Music By And For Students concert, Sunday, June 11, 2017. The Helene Fortunoff Theater, Monroe Hall, Hofstra University.Composers and performers at LICA’s “Music by and for Students” concert on May 27, 2016 at Hofstra University.On Sunday, March 30, 2014 at LICA’s “A Young Person’s Adventure in New Music” concert held at the Freeport Public Library, the students selected to perform new works written for them by composer members of LICA held an exciting version of this Annual LICA Concert. The composers and student performers in the 2014 program are shown at the close of this popular event.On Sunday, June 8, 2014, at LICA’s 43rd Anniversary concert held at the South Huntington Public Library, the three students chosen as winners of the Arline Diamond Memorial Award are honored. The student composers were selected as Award Winners at the Music By and For Students concert held on May 23 at Hofstra University. Part of that annual award is performance at the LICA Anniversary Concert. The 2014 winners are Scott Etan Feiner, Elizabeth Gergel and Hannah Kosek. With them are LICA President Herbert Deutsch and Vice President Marga Richter.On May 31, 2013 at Hofstra University, 17 talented young composers (ages 10-18) were selected to have their works performed on LICA’s 40th annual Music By and For Students Concert. This picture shows all the composers and performers following the exceptional concert.On Sunday, June 9, 2013 at LICA’s 41st Anniversary Concert held at the South Huntington Public Library, the winners of the Arline Diamond Memorial Award received their awards and had their music performed. The recipients, who were selected at the May 31st student concert, are shown here with LICA’s President and Vice President. From L to R, Steven Holmquist , Scott Feiner, Vice President Marga Richter, President Herbert Deutsch. And Adam Goldberg. A 4th young composer was unable to attend, but her composition was performed by a professional pianist.On May 25, 2012 at Hofstra University, 17 talented young composers (ages 10-17) were selected to have their works performed on LICA’s 38th annual Music By and For Students Concert. This picture shows all the composers and performers along with LICA’s President, Herbert Deutsch and Vice-president, Marga Richter.On Sunday, June 3, 2012 at LICA’s 40th Anniversary Concert held at the South Huntington Public Library, the winners of the Arline Diamond Memorial Award received their awards and had their music performed. The recipients, who were selected at the May 25th student concert, are shown here with LICA’s President. From L to R, Timothy Sadov, Steven Holmquist (Honorary Mention Award), Victor Jiao, Nick O’Brien and LICA President Herbert Deutsch.
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